Please Note: This is a nightly development snapshot and may be subject to both change and errors.
Semantic Web Graph Browsing Tool
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- Firefox, Opera, WebKit (Safari, Chrome)
Known Problems
Force-Directed Graph Library
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Web Browser with DOM Level 2 and SVG Support
Known compatible Browsers
- Firefox
- WebKit (Safari Development Build)*
- Opera (9.10)
Known incompatible Browsers
- Microsoft Internet Explorer (6 & 7)
IE cannot handle the
mime type, the valid xml mingling of SVG and xhtml, and SVG only through a plug-in. - Amaya
- Fails due to unknown attributes.
Known Bugs
- * WebKit doesn't seem to understand 'width: 100%;', so the width and height have been fixed to pixels.
- * Dragging nodes with WebKit does not work. The mousemove event on the svg element does not appear to happen unless the mouse is moving over a shape.